See the list after jump :)
- barn and chimney lack shadows
- curtains are outside
- dog's shadow in wrong direction
- field is plowed while still in harvest
- no latch or hinge in the fence
- fence shadow is kinda curved
- fence shadow is missing a latch
- fence shadow in wrong direction
- flowers on the wall have different colours
- grass where the man is standing is same height as the wall
- horse not lead by a farmer
- the man is a giant
- plow horse has saddle on it
- row is plowed ahead of the horse instead of behind
- sheep missing a leg
- sheep has a dog tail
- there are steps but no door
- wrong branch on a tree
- trees in background have no leaves
- wagon is not being pulled
- differens wheel sizes on the wagon
- wagon has wheel without axis
- water is not horizontal
- wheelbarrow has only one wheel
- different wind direction for trees and smoke
Thx to: